Support Small, Vote Big: Shop Independent Day

Picture this: you enter the realm of small, thriving, independent businesses. From a local shop where you’re greeted by a warm smile and a friendly hello; to a vibrant website with eye catching designs and unique products. The atmosphere buzzes with creativity. Every item you see holds a story of passion and dedication. So too, do the people behind them. This is the world of small businesses, and it's a world worth celebrating and supporting.

This year Shop Independent Day falls on June 24th. Since entering this community I've witnessed first-hand the incredible impact these businesses have on individuals, local communities, and the economy as a whole. As a campaign champion I invite you to join me as we explore the importance of supporting small businesses and discover how every purchase we make is a vote for the kind of world we want to see.

Independent businesses are a lifeline to many. From people like myself who start their own ventures, to customers that long for a more relatable storefront, the small business community provides a diverse, secure environment for people of all walks of life to express themselves and explore their potential. By supporting and celebrating independent businesses, we not only uplift brave entrepreneurs, but we also inspire others to pursue their dreams. Together, we create a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Behind every small business, there's a unique story and a lot of heart. Take a moment to imagine the joy and happiness a small business owner feels when they receive an order. That "happy dance" people talk about? It's real. When you support a small business, you're not just another customer; you're making a personal connection. Your order brightens someone's day and fuels their passion. It's about more than just a transaction; it's about building a world where dreams flourish, connections are meaningful, and communities thrive.

This is most evident close to home. Small businesses are the lifeblood of local communities. They contribute to the economy, create jobs, and bring character, charm and personality to every neighbourhood. When we shop independent, we invest in the growth and prosperity of our communities. We nurture personal connections, fostering a sense of belonging and togetherness that is often absent in larger corporate settings. By supporting small businesses, we create a tapestry of unique, thriving communities that we can be proud to call home.

This year, the shop independent artwork features the phrase: "Every time you spend money you're casting a vote for the kind of world you want." These words resonate deeply with the essence behind the shopping small movement. When we choose to support small businesses, we vote for a world where people are empowered to create and connect freely, unencumbered by biases and limitations. Each purchase we make becomes an act of empowerment, fostering a vibrant and inclusive community that thrives on diversity. What better world to support than that?

Please comment, follow or reach out to me on socials - I love to hear from you!
Until next time, thanks for reading.


Market prep: frazzled to fabulous