Hey, what’s going on?

Hello wonderful people! This post has taken me far too long to finish but I’m excited to finally be able to update you on everything Greenwood Gifted.

As some of you already know, I had heart surgery earlier in the year which forced me to take a slight (and very reluctant) step back. Post surgery, as I was replying to an Etsy message from my hospital bed, it briefly occurred to me that my idea of “stepping back” may have mixed success. My belligerence often conquers all.

This proved to be the case as I kept the digital doors to my shop open and powered through. Admittingly, this approach did come with a few casualties: namely my stale social channels and a blog post with an ever receding publish date (originally May 3rd - woops!). It is with great hope, and a lot of positive thinking, that I now attempt to reinvigorate them both.

Firstly, I have to say a big thank you for all the support and well wishes that I have received during this time. It has meant so much. I’m also pleased to share that I am now successfully part robot!

My pacemaker is happily kicking my heart back into gear at every opportunity. Whilst my recovery is ongoing, the opportunity to spread love and happiness through Greenwood Gifted remains my focus. It has been so rewarding to continue making things these past few months and to know that, amongst everything else, I have still put a few more smiles into the universe.

There have been a few big changes since I last updated you. Not only have I received new internal hardware, my business has too. A beautiful new laser joined the team and my workspace is currently in the throws of being transformed and streamlined. Never did I imagine that a barcode system would thrill me as much as it does!

These changes precede my preparation for the intimidatingly fast approaching final quarter of the year. Once the workshop transformation and stock making is complete, I hope to finally be able to start sharing the hoards of new drawings and products that are waiting in the wings.

Much like myself, Nacho (our resident canine helper) has also faced a fair amount of health troubles in the past year. For those that have followed our journey, I am pleased to share that for now his ongoing treatment is keeping him in a much more stable place. My logo drawing of him is also being rolled out across Greenwood Gifted platforms. This long needed recognition of his importance to the company seems to have bolstered his spirits.

For now I will sign off with another big thank you for your continued love and support. I look forward to sharing a lot more with you going forward as Greenwood Gifted continues its quest to gift as much joy and happiness to the world as possible.

Lots of love, Rachel xx

Please comment, follow or reach out to me on socials - I love to hear from you!
Until next time, thanks for reading.


Big Reasons to Shop Small