Bed Bound to Bossing It

The Greenwood Gifted Story

As a disabled person, Greenwood Gifted has been my lifeline. I struggled to find permanent contract work for many years due to POTS. My unrelenting positive attitude kept me thinking I could live a 'normal' life despite my illness. I battled through many hospitalisations and got a physics degree, convinced that if I kept on track everything would be okay.

I came to learn however, that no matter how shiny my qualifications, my successes were always overshadowed by my illness. No HR wanted to give a permanent contract to someone whose organs didn't function under a gravitational differential. It simply didn't matter how skilled I was. The only person that was going to take a chance on me, was me.

My first hurdle in taking action was overcoming my optimism. My belief that I was going to 'get better' had turned toxic. I needed to accept where I was in order to adapt.

Having spent much of my life bed bound, I had developed many ways to escape reality and switch off. One of those ways was drawing. I decided to nurture this skill and give it the room and resources to grow.

As I started to accept my limitations and let my creativity take hold an idea started to blossom. I knew that I could create, draw and design things easily using a computer. After a bit of research I also found a K40 laser cutter. I put my physics degree to good use and realised that I could fine tune one of these lasers to make all of the wonderful ideas running around my head a reality.

I invested in a laser, got designing, and created the first wave of Greenwood Gifted products. From wooden jewellery to personalised homeware, I quickly realised that I was on to something good. For the first time in my life I had a way to be productive, make things, and give myself a steady stream of income.

Since then I have continued to grow my business. I have expanded my product range; started an events line; created a blog all about crafting with a chronic illness; and even managed to showcase my items at craft markets.

The positive energy I once spent convincing myself that things would change has now been constructively redirected into making lovely things for lovely people (you!). As much as Greenwood Gifted is my lifeline, I want it to be a place of happiness and care for others as well. I'm a big believer in spreading joy and love and making people smile.

I will continue to make it my life's mission to put beautiful, lovely things into the world: one creative, unique gift at a time. As I do so I can't thank you enough for your support. It means everything!

Image shows portrait of Greenwood Gifted's creator, Rachel Greenwood. She has long read hair and is smiling.
  • Hi, I’m Rachel. My days are mostly spent tweaking my laser; designing new and wonderful things; or making and packaging orders for lovely people like you. I’m so grateful to have been able to start Greenwood Gifted. I hope that I can keep making people smile with my creations for many years to come!

Image shows a dog in a bowtie lying down. The dog is a ginger coloured pomsky called Nacho.
  • Nacho’s favourite place to sit is on the windowsill by my desk. He will occasionally take a break from people watching to look over my shoulder and judge me. This is a very important part of the design process because he has a very particular aesthetic. Every design I sell has been thoroughly vetted by him and given the Nacho seal of approval before it reaches your homes.