Market prep: frazzled to fabulous

With only a few weeks until my first market of 2023, my brain is too full of market prep to write about any other topic (and rightly so!). I learnt from my first round of markets last year that whilst a lot of prep is needed beforehand, all of the hard work is worth it! Here’s a behind the scenes glimpse of getting ready for markets from a vendors perspective:

  1. Applications!
    The market world can be a competitive place. Finding places to apply can be tricky just as a standalone task, especially when you’re new and don’t know where to look. My first market was at my local village. I saw the advert looking for vendors on community social media and luckily, I was selected to join. There I met a group of lovely, talented people who kindly advised me of other places and contacts I could talk to for more market opportunities. There’s nothing more valuable than getting to know and learning from other like-minded makers!

  2. Product selections
    When you apply to a market you should already have a good idea of what you intend to sell there. Once you secure a slot you need to work out how to make the most of whatever table size you’ve been allocated. In my case, my product catalogue exceeds the standard 6 foot x 2 foot table size. I start with what I know I want to take: anything seasonally appropriate or in keeping with the market’s theming. I then add in a combination of my most popular products and a few newbies. Lastly, to fill the final few spaces where no other logic helps me differentiate, I employ the only method viable to an indecisive Libra like myself: a coin-toss knockout tournament. Works every time.

  3. Inventory
    Writing this step as one simple word is honestly laughable. For the most part, making inventory isn’t too challenging. The difficultly comes when you get a (very lovely) flurry of online sales in the midst of making stock and you start to get a nagging feeling that your output is closely following your input. This is when the frazzled state sets in. E-commerce is (at least in my experience) near impossible to predict. My only advice is to keep as on top of replenishment as you can, and to repeatedly mutter words of encouragement to yourself (e.g. “everything’s fine”, “just keep swimming.”). When all else fails expel any anxious energy by despairing to someone that you “girl-bossed too close to the sun”.

  4. Display
    I’m always glad I’ve got a laser, but I’m particularly glad when it comes to making displays. Before a market I put up my table in the craft room and fully mock up the space I need to display my items. This helps me to clearly visualise what items are needed to elevate my display and I then craft and cut those things using the laser. From display shelves, steps and jewellery stands; I’ve been able to make all sorts of things that I’d be lost without!

  5. Branding
    This is partly superficial things like having business cards to hand and ensuring that my display ties in with my shop’s aesthetic. I also make branded packaging and signage as I’m proud to associate my name with every item that I make. For me though, my main branding mission at a market is to represent Greenwood Gifted’s ideology of spreading joy and love with uniquely crafted gifts that make people smile. Whenever I’m out in the world representing my brand, whether you’re a customer or just browsing, this to what I want be the takeaway.

  6. Supplies
    I always pack my market box as if preparing to enter a nuclear bunker. It’s the only way. Duct tape is the ultimate fail safe; emergency wipes and kitchen roll are always handy; an extra battery pack is never optional. Also highly important: FOOD & DRINK! Whilst there’s often lovely vendors there selling many tempting goodies, chances are you won’t be able to get away from your stall to partake. Sustenance is key and you’ll need to be self sufficient to survive the torment of gorgeous food that’s just out of reach.

  7. A Good Nights Sleep!
    Ahead of a market it is always my goal to be as functional as humanly possible on the day. For me this means resting up beforehand and leaving the house as little as I can in order to avoid catching anything that my weak immune system can’t handle. This has the added benefit of keeping me in the proximity of everything I need in order to prepare. I aim to have everything ready with a few days to spare and give myself a rest the day before. I admit to loving markets so much that the night before I can be much like a kid on Christmas Eve. It can take all my willpower to remain calm and collected enough to get some good shut eye - if all else fails I put on a facemask before bed, light a nicely scented candle, and listen to some spa music to zen out.

Once all that is complete you’re market ready! They really are so much fun to attend and such a great opportunity to meet all sorts of lovely people. Even as a chronic introvert I love going! There’s nothing more rewarding than being part of such a talented community, even if it’s just for a day.

NEXT MARKET: 11/June/2023 - Egginton Makers Market, Egginton Memorial Hall, 11am-3pm

Please comment, follow or reach out to me on socials - I love to hear from you!
In the meantime, thanks for reading!


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